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January 7th, 2021

Benefits of Traveling with Your Dance Studio

Arielle Marcum

Dancing is a universal language. No matter where you are in the world, dance can be understood and enjoyed. And yet, so many dancers never get a chance to perform outside the borders of their hometown. Traveling with your dance studio can be incredibly beneficial for so many reasons. Here are our top reasons to travel with your dance studio: 

  1. Show Off Your Skills – Dancers work so hard at perfecting their craft, they deserve to show off a little! The local annual recital is a perfect place to hear cheers from family and friends, but getting applause from complete strangers in an exciting destination is even better!  
  2. Build Deep Connections – From classes, to dress rehearsals. From packing to traveling. From last-minute preparations to the final performance. Your studio will connect with each other on a whole new level. Together you’ll develop and execute something special, and, for the rest of your lives, you’ll be bonded by these moments. 
  3. Expand Your Network – Bonding with your friends are not the only connections you’ll make. When you travel to a dance event, you’ll meet other dancers and teachers from all over the world. You can make new friends, build connections around the globe, learn new tips, and be inspired! You never know when you might lean on one of these new friends in the future. 
  4. Train With Purpose  Heading to dance classes will bring a new sense of importance when you know that your performance will be on a huge stage in front of thousands of people! An increased focus comes naturally when there is a heightened sense of purpose. You’ll also find that you’ll be dancing with more passion than ever before. 
  5. Create Unforgettable Memories – You’ll always remember the time your studio traveled together to perform. The stages are bigger, the lights are brighter, the audiences are louder, and the excitement is higher! 
  6. Grow Your Dance Family – Traveling with your studio draws quite a bit of attention. You can see more students sign up for classes and more engagement from those already registered. Your friends from outside of dance may just want to try it out so they can join in on the incredible experience. 

Think that traveling with your studio would be too stressful? It doesn’t have to be. World Class Vacations can do all the work so you can focus on what you love; Dancing! 

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